And we are off….the shooting season has started! It is wonderful to say those words, not least as there is so much to look forward to in the coming weeks and months.
We have had a really good summer at The Royal Berkshire, with the team running a record number of Really Wild Clay days and the grounds being so busy with lessons, events and practice rounds. Our 30th anniversary celebrations have continued with all sorts of special events and we have a busy season of charity and corporate events to look forward to, with the new setting for our marquee already proving to be a great success.
As you will discover as you read this newsletter, every part of the RB is set and raring to go. The Gun Room is as well stocked as ever, the Country Store has all the kit you could want or need for the coming season and the grounds are looking immaculate, with our newly built Grouse Butt now open. The Sporting Agency is still taking bookings for the coming season and the Really Wild team will continue to run days through September. So, there is plenty going on.
On a personal note, I love this time of year. The sense of anticipation is palpable, with a few lucky people able to start their season on the Grouse Moors. For the rest of us, September sees the Partridge season commence and teams of guns in the field enjoying the very things that we, until last year, perhaps took for granted. Like everybody else, I hope and pray that the positive momentum in the battle against Covid-19 continues. The vaccines are working, travel is possible and the shoots are ready! So let's all be sure to enjoy this season and make the most of every day.
As is traditional at this time of year, I make one request. Please take time to prepare for your first day! Don’t wait until the night before to check and get your kit together and certainly don’t just turn up and expect to shoot as well as you possibly can. Take the time to book in for a lesson or practice session with the team. It really will make a difference to your day and the season.
With best wishes