Here at The Royal Berkshire Gun Room we have been working tirelessly to ensure we can stock a truly outstanding range of shotguns, rifles and air rifles. It has always been our aim to have “something for everybody” and looking around the gun racks in the shop we feel we have achieved this!
One of the most recent arrival into the gun room is a beautiful Westley Richards 12-Bore boxlock ‘Connaught’. Completed in 1985, this gun, which is sold with its original case, features flared engraving on the barrels, gold names and some beautiful engraving on the action itself. This Westley sits in the cabinets between a Holland & Holland deluxe over and under and a Smith engraved Purdey…quite some collection. Meanwhile, for those interested in continental guns, we now have a best selection ever of selection of Perazzi, Piotti, Grulla, Beretta, Brownings. The newest arrival being a stunning pair of 12-Bore Perazzi SC3 100 with scroll engraving. These really do have to be seen to be believed…
This year has been a very busy year for the team in the Gun Room during which we have taken great pride in our ability to not only hold a fantastic variety of stock but also to source specific guns to meet specific requirements. Our philosophy has and always will be to provide genuine objective advice alongside an outstanding and personal service. We have loved welcoming new and familiar faces alike through the doors it remains for me to wish and your families a very happy Christmas and thank you for your support, it means a great deal to us. ___________________________________________________________________

For more information contact Alastair at alastair@rbss.co.uk or call 01491 672 900 or simply pop in to the Gun Room at a time to suit you.