As the shooting season comes to a close, the Sporting Agency Team can, having finally returned to our offices, look back at what has been a truly memorable and enjoyable year. February sees us start the work for next season as we have already turned our attention to the diary. It is by working with the estates now, that we secure the best dates for our clients. Equally, following valuable time visiting some ‘new estates’ (by which we mean estates with which we have not previously worked) we have some truly stunning shooting to offer next season… watch this space! But do remember that shooting continues in Spain and South Africa, and with teams heading to both locations we are still busy!
So what of the season, just gone? Well, as we have said almost every month, it has been a wet one! None of us can remember a run of more than 5 days when it did not rain. For many shoots this persistent and unpleasant weather has actually worked to drive the birds back into the covers and so ensured plenty of shooting. But let’s not forget all the extra work caused by the weather, be it keeping shoot vehicles clean, tracks and paths passable or just simply the shoot lodges warm. However, everywhere we have been, from the West Country to Wales, from the north to South, one thing the weather has never dampened is the enthusiasm: we may have had to change coats a few times, yes…but the weather never dampened the spirits. It is a wonderful reflection upon all the men and women that work in the shooting world and their commitment, that they continued to work so hard and ensure everybody had such memorable days.
Looking ahead to the next few weeks and months, we are busy in Africa and Spain. Alongside our traditional trips to Spain, we are leading a special party to South Africa, which starts in the Kalahari desert and finishes in the Stormberg Mountains (over 6,000 foot above sea level). The trip has a little bit of everything; private aircraft to and from the Kalahari, fast and furious Rock Pigeons, jinking Sandgrouse, Waterfowl, sun downers and Greywing Partridge over pointers. We know they will be a truly memorable ten days of sport and at staggering value!
So, it remains for us to thank everybody who has taken part in a day that we have organised. The clients, their fellow guns and guests, the shoot owners, the game keepers, the beaters, the pickers ups, the hotel teams, the lodge teams, the office teams…the list goes on. But thank you to you all, we have loved hosting the days and it takes many, many, many people to make them happen. Thank you. We hope to see you all next season and on that basis anybody looking to book shooting next year, it genuinely is never too soon to start. As we say in our new advert in Fieldsports…. "Get ahead of the Game”.
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