Generosity of RB clients raises over £1900.00 for local charities

Generosity of RB clients raises over £1900.00 for local charities

  Every year at RBSS, we hold our a series of fun social shoots, where many of our regular clients can come and enjoy some shooting, a delicious lunch and try to win some fun prizes. On these days, we invite guests to try and guess the number of clays which will actually be hit, and we then donate the monies raised to charity. Over the four ‘Christmas Turkey Shoots’  we held in December, our unstintingly benevolent clients donated a total of £1000.00, which we have passed on to the Country Food Trust, for them to use to supply meals to the Newbury Soup Kitchen – a very worthwhile local endeavour, which we are very proud to support. We held two similar ‘Easter Bunny Shoots’, from which we raised a total of £567.90. This money is being donated to the Roald Dahl’s Magnificent Children’s Charity, who provide specialist nurses to support terminally ill children and their families in the UK. As most of us who work here have families of our own, we were extremely keen to support this amazing work, and thank all of our guests once more for their incredible generosity. One of our guests, Susan Collins, also very kindly volunteered to use the match-funding opportunity offered by her employer, Vodafone, to add another £335.00 to the total. To join the mailing list and be advised of future social shoot dates, contact us on