Contrary to popular belief we haven’t all been on holiday since February the 1
st! The Sporting Agency has been a hub of activity because as one season ends another season begins… the ‘booking season’.
It is encouraging to see lots of repeat bookings, with clients wishing to secure comparable dates to those they had this year, for the coming season. Equally as exciting for us are the new teams for whom we have helped arrange shooting this year - we can’t wait to provide them with some memorable days in the season to come. But as ever, we are also hosting days for our Roving Syndicate, so do keep an eye on your emails and our website for these dates, which are coming soon.
Whilst the UK season has long since finished, we have still enjoyed hosting some great trips to Spain during February and March. The blend of seamless hospitality and thrilling shooting meant all our teams thoroughly enjoyed their trips out there, and booked again for next year! Gordon, who has been selling shooting in Spain for over 20 years, has links to some of the most sought-after estates in the country, so please do call us to learn more about shooting in Spain for next year.

Another location which provides top level sport outside of our own game season is South Africa. During May we arranged for a group to travel to South Africa where they enjoyed some of the most exhilarating wing-shooting the country has to offer, the highlight being the staggeringly exciting Rock Pigeons.
The trip started in the sunflower fields of Bloemfontein with the Rock Pigeon before the group travelled south to the stunning Stormberg mountains for Grey-Wing Partridges over pointer dogs, alongside Duck & Goose flighting. There was also the opportunity to hunt for plains game.

This 5-day trip has generated a great deal of interest for something similar next year, so do contact us if you would like to be put on the mailing list for further details.
So what of next season here in the UK? Well, as in all areas of life, shoots and estates have been affected by the recent rise in inflation which has led to unavoidable increases in the cost of shooting. Quite simply, the running costs of most shooting operations have risen considerably in the last year with feed, wheat, fuel and energy price increases resulting in us seeing between 10-15% increase in the price per bird across the country.
Despite this, we are seeing as large an appetite for shooting here in the U.K. as I have ever known and it is a testament to the great days that these estates have provided for us that we have such a committed and enthusiastic group of clients.
Looking ahead, it is perhaps a little early to make any meaningful forecasts on the prospects for grouse shooting this year but a spell of dry weather has allowed moorland keepers to progress with their burning regimes in order to knock back ‘old’ heather beds and begin the process of producing bright green heather shoots, a vital element of the bird’s diet. In areas where burning is no longer permitted, extensive cutting has taken place instead, it will certainly be interesting to see whether the regeneration of new heather plants is as prompt or as successful in these areas.

Of course, throughout all of this we are keeping up to date and abreast of the rapidly changing situation regarding avian influenza in French game farms and are working closely with shoots/estates to ensure that we can provide clients new and old with the best season possible and will be sure to provide updates on any significant progressions.
In the meantime, stay safe and stay up to date via our
website ,
Facebook page and
Instagram feed.
01491 672918